John Michael Koch, baritone

Artist Teacher


John Michael Koch, baritone

In 1997, John Michael Koch, baritone, began teaching at the Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts at Illinois State University's School of Music in Normal, Illinois, where he has been nominated to Who’s Who in America in 2008 and 2009, and three times to Who's Who Among America's Teachers, and has served as Voice Area Coordinator in the School of Music since 2009. 

Koch has performed over 35 operatic and 45 oratorio roles throughout the world. He is the General Director and co-founder of the MIOpera that had its premiere season in 2011 with Die Zauberflöte. The subsequent seasons included Don Giovanni in 2012, Le nozze di Figaro in 2013 Bizet’s Carmen and Dan Shore’s The Beautiful Bridegroom in 2014, La Cenerentola in 2015 and Hansel and GretelFalstaff and The dialogues of the Carmelites in 2016, Les contes d’Hoffmann and Pirates of Penzance in 2018 and Die Fledermaus and La bohème in 2019. This summer opera program was created to give young emerging singers from all over the world the opportunity to stage and perform a complete operatic role. The program is growing rapidly and has hired opera professionals such as Maestro Joshua Greene and Liora Maurer from the Metropolitan Opera, Lucy Arner of the Mannes School of Music, and James Marvel, Director of Opera at UT-Knoxville to lead our participants in fully-staged productions. 2014 brought the premiere of “MIOperatunities,” a matinée version of Carmen that filled our performance hall with young students, special needs students, and older community members at no cost to them, offering a “highlights” opera that has included interpretive signers, Flamencan dancing by the USA Ballet, information on Spanish culture in the 19th century, French opera and a “Meet and greet the artists” session post-performance. MIOpera and MIOperatunities have received several generous grants from the Town of Normal Harmon Arts Grants Fund and the Illinois Prairie Community Foundation Mirza Arts and Culture Fund.

As baritone soloist, Mr. Koch is noted for his interpretation of Orff's Carmina burana that he debuted at Chicago's Orchestra Hall with the Chicago Sinfonietta. Noted performances of the Orff include the Caracas Contemporary Ballet (Venezuela), Karmi'el Dance Festival in Israel (Tel Aviv Opera and Jerusalem), Chautauqua Institution, Cincinnati Ballet, Princeton University Symphony and Glee Clubs, the Southwest Michigan and Green Bay Symphony Orchestras, the Montreal Philharmonic, and the Canadian Ballet.  His world premieres of David Maslanka’s A Carl Sandburg Reader and his Symphony No. 9 have been released on CD by Albany Records. Another world premiere presented a Daron Hagen work based on the famous Civil War letter of Major Sullivan Ballou to his wife Sarah entitled: The Banner of my Purpose. Performances of the work were given at Illinois State University, Western Illinois University and Pacific Lutheran University with Mr. Koch as featured soloist with military band.  Local solo performances have included Verdi’s Requiem, Elgar’s The dream of Gerontius, Britten’s War requiem, Rossini’s Stabat mater,Haydn’s Creation, Mendelssohn’s Elijah and several Carmina buranas at Illinois State University. Mr. Koch maintains a full voice studio in addition to conducting the ISU Civic Chorale since 2010.  



The Edmonton Sun: “Koch’s Marcello is a splendid, virile fellow and he has a lovely baritone.” (La bohème with Edmonton Opera)

The Edmonton Journal: “John Michael Koch made a lovable bear of the painter Marcello, with a firm baritone presence.”


The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: “John Michael Koch’s playful, throwaway style said so much about Figaro; but relaxed as it was, that voice carried the hall with ease.”

(Il barbiere di Siviglia with Florentine Opera)




Associate Professor of Music, Illinois State University

Director, ISU Civic Chorale

General Director, MIOpera, Inc.        



Figaro in Il barbiere di Siviglia, Florentine Opera, Opera Grand Rapids

Marcello in La bohème, Edmonton Opera, Montreal Opera

Schaunard in La bohème, Florentine Opera, Opera Omaha, Oklahoma City Philharmonic

Valentin in Faust, Dayton Opera

Sharpless in Madame Butterfly, San Francisco Opera/ Western Opera

    Theatre U.S. tour 1988-1989

Mercutio in Roméo et Juliette, Dayton Opera, Florentine Opera

Danilo in The Merry Widow, Madison Opera, Gold Coast Opera

Dr. Falke in Die Fledermaus, New Orleans Opera

Moralés/Dancaïro in Carmen, Cincinnati Opera

Lescaut in Manon, Florentine Opera

Lescaut in Un portrait de Manon (Massenet and Puccini), Festival  International de Lanaudière, Canada

Peter in Hansel and Gretel, Florentine Opera

Dandini in La cenerentola, Florentine Opera, Eugene Opera

Marullo in RigolettoFlorentine Opera

Roucher/Tinville in Andrea Chénier, Florentine Opera

Baron Douphol in La traviata, Florentine Opera

Enrico in Un ballo in mascheraFlorentine Opera



David Maslanka’s Symphony No. 9 (Narrator), released by Albany Records 2011 (World Premiere)

David Maslanka’s A Carl Sandburg Reader, released November 2009 (World premiere)

Daron Hagen’s The Heart of the Stranger, released by Albany 2007 

Nancy Van de Vate's Death of the Hired Man and In the Shadow of the

    Glen, released by Vienna Modern Masters (World premieres) 

Schubert's Der Graf von Gleichen.  Released by Centaur Records (World Premiere)



Figaro in Il barbiere di Siviglia, Florentine Opera, broadcast on Wisconsin Public Television



 All is calm, all is bright.., November 9, 2019, First United Methodist Church, Normal, Illinois

Leoncavallo’s I Pagliacci with tenor Allan Glassman, April 6, 2019, Illinois State University

Christmas at the Courthouse (McLean County Museum of History, Bloomington, IL) December 18, 2018

Civic Chorale 50th Anniversary Celebration!  Rutter’s Mass of the Children and Requiem, November 3, 2018, ISU

An evening with Johannes Brahms: Liebeslieder Walzer Op. 52 and Drei Quartette Op. 31, April 21, 2018, ISU

Christmas at the Courthouse, December 19, 2017

Holiday Concert: Once upon a December, November 14, 2017, FUMC

Ain’a that good news, April 25, 2017, ISU

Concert at the Courthouse, December 20, 2016

Holiday Concert: Holiday Beginnings, November 15, 2016, FUMC

Mascagni’s Cavalleria rusticana, April 2, 2016, ISU

Carols at the Courthouse, December 15, 2015

Holiday Concert, November 19, 2015, FUMC

Spring Concert Dreaming of Green: Vivaldi’s Gloria and Forrest’s Requiem

    for the Living, April 21, 2015, FUMC

Civic Chorale performs on Music for the Holidays, December 6, 2014, ISU

Civic Chorale Spring concert:  Thompson’s The peaceable kingdom, April 2014, ISU

Dvorák’s Requiem, March, 2012, ISU

Music for the Holidays, ISU, December 2012 (arranged Czech Christmas Carol for Civic), ISU

Handel’s Messiah, November 2012, ISU

ISU Spring Choral Collage, April 2012-Shakespeare settings by Matthew

    Smith, ISU

Civic Chorale Spring concert, March 2012-works by Matthew Smith and Eric Whitacre

Producer, 911 Memorial Concert, September 11, 2011-Memorial by René Clausen with the ISU Symphony Orchestra, ISU

Civic Chorale Spring concert, March 2011-The Holocaust Cantata by Donald McCullough, ISU



National Finalist of the Metropolitan Opera Auditions

Winner of the Montreal International Music Competition for Singers

Winner of the Opera Columbus Opera Auditions

Winner of the Annual Meistersinger Opera Competition, Graz, Austria

Winner of the Eleanor Steber Music Foundation Grant

Winner of the National Federation of Music Clubs Young Artist Auditions



Bach: St. Matthew Passion: L’Orchestre Métropolitain de Montréal

Bach: St. John Passion: Indiana State University Symphony and Choruses,  Master Chorale of Tampa

Beethoven:  9th Symphony, Illinois State University, Muncie Symphony

Beethoven: Missa solemnis, Illinois State University

Brahms Requiem: Madison Choral Union and Symphony, Peoria Symphony, 

     ISU Symphony and Choirs

Britten:  War Requiem, Illinois State University

Clausen: Memorial, Jacksonville Symphony 

Copland: Old American Songs, Middletown (OH) Symphony Orchestra

Copland: A Lincoln Portrait, Illinois State University Symphonic Winds 

Dayton Philharmonic: New Year's Eve Gala Concert   

Duruflé: Requiem: Cincinnati May Festival

Dvorák: Te Deum: Asheville Symphony, Peoria Civic Chorale and Orchestra, Illinois Symphony Orchestra

Elgar: Dream of Gerontius, ISU Symphony and Choruses

Fauré: Requiem, Dayton Philharmonic, Illinois State University Symphony and Choirs, Northwest Indiana Symphony 

Finzi: Et in terra pax, South Bend Chamber Singers

Hagen: The Banner of my Purpose, Western Illinois, Illinois State University, Pacific Lutheran University

Hagen: The heart of the stranger, ISU Wind Symphony

Handel: Belshazzar, Bradley University Symphony and Choruses

Handel: Messiah: Augustana College Choruses and Symphony, Milwaukee Symphony, Bradley Community Chorus

Haydn: Creation, Peoria Symphony, Elgin Symphony, Bradley University, ISU Symphony and Choirs

Haydn: Die Jahreszeiten, University of Missouri-Columbia

Haydn: Paukenmesse, Bradley University Symphony and Choruses

Mahler: Kindertotenlieder, ISU Symphony, Ballet Contemporàneo  de Caracas(Venezuela)

Mahler: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, Middletown(Ohio) Symphony     

Maslanka: A Carl Sandburg Reader, ISU Wind Symphony

Maslanka: Symphony No. 9 (Narrator), ISU Wind Symphony

Mendelssohn: Elijah, ISU Symphony and Choirs, Cairo Choral Society and

     Cairo Symphony (Egypt)

Mozart: Requiem, ISU Symphony and Choirs, Bradley University, Palouse Choral Society (Washington)

Mozart: Coronation Mass, Illinois Symphony Orchestra

Orff: Carmina burana, Chicago Sinfonietta, Ballet Contemporàneo de Caracas, Karmi’el Dance Festival (Israel), Tel Aviv Opera House, Jerusalem New Conference Center, Southwestern Michigan Symphony, Green Bay Symphony, The Chautauqua Institution, Princeton University Symphony and Glee Clubs, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, Cincinnati Symphony and Ballet, Illinois State University Symphony & Choruses, Milwaukee Symphony, L’Orchestre Métropolitain de Montréal

Penn: A Cornfield in July, ISU Wind Symphony 

Rossini:  Stabat mater, ISU Symphony

Tippett: A Child of our Time, ISU Symphony

Vaughan Williams: Fantasy on Christmas Carols, Illinois Symphony Orchestra

Verdi: Requiem, Illinois State University

Walton: Belshazzar’s feast, ISU Choirs and Orchestra



Chicago Cultural Center

Illinois State University Faculty Recitals

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Guest Artist Series

Illinois State University, Guest Artist Recital series

Recitals presented in Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, Cleveland, Toledo and

Athens, Ohio, Erie and York, Pennsylvania, Fort Worth and Amarillo, 

Texas, and Greensboro, North Carolina as the Winner of the NFMC Young Artist Award

Arts and Humanities Resource Center, Cincinnati.  Recitals of Broadway,

Opera and Operetta, presented for the elderly and disabled in the

 Cincinnati metropolitan area



Julius Rudel, Patrick Summers, James Conlon, Louis Salemno, Joe Rescigno, John DeMain, Arthur Fagen, Chris Nance, Jacques Lacombe, Tyrone Paterson, Mark Flint, Barbara Yahr, Neal Gittleman, Carmon Deleone, Robert Hart Baker, Robert Fountain, Robert Lyle, Hal France, David Agler, Jacob Chi, Barbara Yahr, Uri Segal, Itay Talgam, David Commanday, Paul Freeman, Karen Lynne Deal



Florentine Opera Young Artist Program, educational opera touring program

Cincinnati Opera Summer Opera Apprentice 

Merola Opera Center, San Francisco Opera



Co-founder & General Director, MIOpera, Inc.:

Season 1 (2011): Die Zauberflöte.  Season 2 (2012): Don Giovanni, The

Pirates of Penzance.  Season 3 (2013): Aïda (in concert), Le nozze di 

Figaro. Season 4 (2014): **Suor Angelica, Carmen, The beautiful

Bridegroom.  Season 5 (2015): La cenerentola, The bewitched child, Sweets by Kate.  Season 6 (2016): **Dialogues of the Carmelites, Hansel and Gretel.  Season 7 (2018):  **Les contes d’Hoffmann, Pirates of Penzance.  Season 8 (2019): **La bohème, Die Fledermaus.

 **denotes Conductor

 Guest clinician/conductor, Musical Theatre Camp, Lincoln College, Illinois

Guest Voice clinician, University of Venezuela-Caracas

Guest Clinician/Soloist at the Colorado Music Festival, Pueblo, Colorado   

ISU Vocal Clinic, Host and clinician

Colorado Music Festival, Guest Clinician and performer

Chautauqua Institution, New York

American Institute for Musical Studies, Graz, Austria

Bach, Beethoven and Breckenridge, Breckenridge Music Institute, Colorado


Doctoral equivalency granted/appointed Assistant Professor at ISU, 1997

DMA coursework completed, University of Cincinnati, 1988

M.M., University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, 1985

B.M., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1983



Tenure granted/promotion to Associate Professor, Illinois State University, 2004

Appointed Assistant Professor of Music, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, 1997

Lecturer in Voice, University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, 1995-1997

Private voice studio, 1992 to present

Vocal instruction, Musical Arts Center, Cincinnati, 1995-1997



§  ISU Teaching assignments (Undergraduate majors: Music Education, Music Therapy, Voice Performance, Music Business, Musical Theatre, Composition.  Graduate majors: Vocal Performance, Music Therapy, Music Education, Choral Conducting)

§  Academic subjects taught: Applied Voice 137, 237, 437; ISU Civic Chorale 188,288,488;Language Diction for Singers 128 (Italian and English); Language Diction for Singers 127(French and German); Opera Practicum 384 (Opera Workshop); Vocal Pedagogy and Literature 330; Foundations of Inquiry 100 (Entry level General Education course required for Freshmen until 2003)

§  Teacher of Metropolitan Opera Audition District Winners, ISU Concerto Competition Winners and university voice teachers



§  Students have gone on to complete Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Vocal Performance, Music Therapy and Ethnomusicology at the Mannes School of Music, University of Iowa, Northwestern University, the University of Cincinnati, the University of Washington-Seattle, Indiana University, UC-Greeley

§  Students have sung leading roles with Opera Illinois, Music by the Lake Festival, Chicago Opera Theatre and have appeared with numerous symphonies in the Midwest

§  Students won the ISU Concerto Aria Competition six years in a row

§  Students maintain high academic standing of 3.3 GPA and higher

§  Many students completed Honor’s Projects in addition to Applied Voice


§  Nominated to Who’s Who in America, 2008-2014

  • Received Highest Merit ranking for academic year 2000 for Teaching, Scholarly Creativity, and Service to the School of Music and the College of Fine Arts. 

  • Nominated to Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 2007, 2006, 2005 and 2002 editions.


§  Good working knowledge of PC and Mac, Sibelius, Photoshop

§  Good piano skills

§  Strong background in music theory, Dalcroze eurhythmics, trumpet, guitar


§  2010-completed research on the Vocal Effects of Beatboxing on the Male Voice.  The study was completed in December 2010 with publishing of results TBA.


National Association for the Teachers of Singing

Phi Mu Alpha

National Opera Association

Pi Kappa Lambda

Phi Kappa Phi

American Guild of Musical Artists

Canadian Actor's Guild

International Thespian Society


The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: “John Michael Koch’s playful, throwaway style said so much about Figaro; but relaxed as it was, that voice carried the hall with ease.” (Il barbiere di Siviglia with Florentine Opera)

 The Edmonton Sun:  “Koch’s Marcello is a splendid, virile fellow and he has a lovely baritone.”  (La bohème with Edmonton Opera)

 The Edmonton Journal:  “John Michael Koch made a lovable bear of the painter Marcello, with a firm baritone presence.”  

 The Kane County Chronicle (Chicago):  “ John Koch is a major talent and made an exquisite Adam.  He has excellent stage presence and great dynamic appeal.”   (The Creation, Elgin Symphony and Choral Union)

 The Pueblo Chieftain:  “  … John Koch, an outstanding soloist well-known to Pueblo audiences… It was just great! ”Some Enchanted Evening” sung by Koch whose big, rich voice carried it off masterfully…Koch then sang “Ol’ Man River” as if he owned it…”  

 The Chautauquan Daily: “In addition, there were three soloists… and the particularly effective John Koch…Baritone John Koch carries most of the burden of this piece, and he sang with plenty of the required gusto.”  (Carmina burana at the Chautauqua Institute, New York)

 Dayton Daily News:  “Baritone John Michael Koch is particularly strong as Marguerite’s protective and judgmental brother, Valentin.  (Faust with Dayton Opera)

 Oakwood Register:  “ Baritone John Michael Koch sang the role and the aria flawlessly.” (Faust with Dayton Opera)



